GAE Problem Uploading Data After 1.5.2 SDK Update

Naturally the 1.5.2 update of the Google App Engine (GAE) SDK on my MacBook cleared my datastore. That’s a big deal right now as I’m into the last week of development on the mobile app I’m building for attendees of the 2011 Rethinking Everything conference.

Weeks back I completed the bulkdata load to the production server so I periodically download the current datastore and upload it to my local datastore. Fortunately, I did that earlier today. Unfortunately, the upload failed after updating the SDK.

At the end of the stack trace was this error:

BadRequestError: app "dev~rethinkingprogramapp" cannot access app "rethinkingprogramapp"'s data

The fix is simple if you run into this. Simple, that is, if you read the release notes. The application name in the SDK is now prefixed with “dev~” so prepend that to your app name for the –application argument to bulkdata load commands.

Pleasure Potential iPad Unlock Motivation Wallpaper

Here’s another iPad Unlock Movivation Wallpaper I made from a passage I found inspirational today. The quote is from Scott Noelle and the photo is by Pat Ronan.

Get it here.

Resolving the ‘setStatusBarHidden:animated:’ is deprecated Warning

I’m working on chapter 6, Subclassing UIView, of iPhone Programming
by Joe Conway and Aaron Hillegass1 to learn iOS programming. There’s a deprecated method in the code for hiding the status bar in the Hypnosister app. Xcode 4 generates a warning that UIApplication setStatusBarHidden:animated: is deprecated.

One of the ways I make sure I’m understanding the material rather than just typing in examples is to chase down issues like this. Here’s how I did it: I selected the method, setStatusBarHidden, in the code and used the “Jump to Definition” feature (control-command-D or Navigate|Jump to Definition on the menu). That brought up the source for the method. The comment at the end told me to use -setStatusBarHidden:withAnimation:. Using the code completion feature I changed the original line:
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