On the Path to Recovering My Curiosity

I was listening to Seth Godin’s book, Tribes, this morning. Again. As usual, some things struck me that hadn’t previously. One is that Seth describes where I am on my path on recovering curiosity when he writes, “It’s easy to underestimate how difficult it is for someone to become curious. For seven, ten, or even fifteen years of school you are required not to be curious. Over and over and over again the curious are punished. I don’t think it’s a matter of saying a magic word, ‘BOOM,’ and suddenly something happens and you’re curious. It’s more about a five or ten or fifteen year process where you start finding your voice and finally, you begin to realize that the safest thing you can do feels risky and the riskiest thing you can do is play it safe. Once recognized, the quiet yet persistent voice of curiosity doesn’t go away. Ever. And perhaps, it’s such curiosity that will lead us to distinguish our own greatness from the mediocrity that stares us in the face.”

So, the source of my new fears are explained and the promise is made; I just have to keep leaning in.

An Extreme Interview

I just had the coolest job interview! I know, that’s as unexpected as hearing, “I just had the coolest root-canal.” It’s astonishing and it’s true. And it’s all thanks to a group of people who have made interesting and human a process that others typically make boring and impersonal. These remarkable people constitute an even more remarkable company called Menlo Innovations. Making interviews simultaneously fun and effective is only one of the many unusual capabilities I’ve learned about in my two visits to what they call their Menlo Software Factory™.

My first visit was three years ago and it marks the beginning of a personal journey. I had just been appointed the manager of a software testing team that unbeknownst to me was stalled on the tracks of an oncoming train. The train was a set of software development practices and principles called “agile.” The software development organization of the company for whom I worked was beginning to introduce these new agile practices without including the project management and software testing organizations. Conflict was woven into the very fabric of this attempt at organizational change, but, gladly, there is a happy ending. [Read more…]

Next Opportunity

I’m between jobs now. The firm I was with just cut about 30 more positions and mine was among them. So, I just polished up my Manager-Tools resume and realized that I hadn’t shared the template I created for Apple Pages. Here’s the template which I make available at no cost and with no warranty (expressed nor implied, as they say).